XD I enjoyed reading this! Inspiration can come from the weirdest places and situations. A particular Ficlet that I wrote got its idea from hearing my cat clattering up in the roof. >_< Thanks for entering. : )
ha! I love this. I love the dialogue. And i agree with NightMaiden.. inspiration for me comes from a glass of wine and Iron Maiden blasting in my earphones!
this was real good and i am thinking about sequeling it but i do have alot of silly ones already going and let me ask you she was going to eat the pickle even though some creature was swimming with it she is the real monster here
this was real good and i am thinking about sequeling it but i do have alot of silly ones already going and let me ask you she was going to eat the pickle even though some creature was swimming with it she is the real monster here
this was real good and i am thinking about sequeling it but i do have alot of silly ones already going and let me ask you she was going to eat the pickle even though some creature was swimming with it she is the real monster here
This is great. I am sitting here thinking that I can’t believe she’s running off to type while something is wriggling on the floor….. then again.. I’d probably do the same. Ficlets before fiascos… ;D
Disturbing and gross visual. Good thing I don’t like pickles anyway. I love that it seems like it’s veering off into horror, but instead the character just ignores the little beastie and goes back to writing.
ALRO613 ♪ LoA ♫
Mistress Elsha Hawk
Mighty-Joe Young
Mighty-Joe Young
Mighty-Joe Young
THX 0477