
Daycare Teachers

“Where’s your teacher?” Anna asked Taylor.
“Oh I’m right here,” the teacher smiled behind Anna, “we met once before remember? I’m Miss Applebomb.”
“Oh yes I remember,” Anna smiled sweetly.
“Feel free to walk around. I’m letting the kids be on their own schedule today. I’m afraid though, I’m not going to be able to stay. I have to go down to the hospital to see my mother. Poor dear, she fell & broke her ankle,” the teacher paused as her eyebrows creased thinking about it, but then she waved her hand & went on. “Oh but anyway, my assistant teacher will be here in just a few min to watch after the kids. Okay?” Miss Applebomb smiled sweetly again.
“That’s fine,” Anna smiled back.
“Okay kids!” Miss Applebomb announced loudly clapping her hands to get their attention. “I know I said you get today off with your parents, but Mr. Rockwell is still in charge,” and she exited the room. Anna’s blood froze cold in her veins. That same fear began to crawl up her spine as it had near Old Navy.
Mr. Rockwell?

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