Please seperate your text into paragraphs! Its very difficult to read this. Not to be nitpicky but capatalize your “i”. There are also some incorrectly spelled words in here. LoA
Kris you kinda being mean to these people maybe there right i agree with all of them but if you just tell them to shut up your stories wont look that good. All there trying to say is maybe you should seperate yyour stoy into paragraphs, if you ave trouble with spelling ask someone or maybe google it it appears corrctly and your writing will BE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOD !!! LoA
I think what lone writer meant is that you should atleat try your best to make everything you do look decent and she probaly does make mistakes but thats an accident if you look at yours it looked liked you rush but your writing is brilliant.. (there telling u correct things) but some people are saying it mean but don’t tell them shut up thats so RUDE !!
This seemed like a very good story! Yes there were quite a few spelling mistakes but that’s okay! Everyone makes mistakes, even the best writers on this site. Try and fix them! And if you need help, google it, use a dictionary, or you can even ask me! I loved your idea, thought. Keep writing!
Lone Writer
<3 2 write