

Lindsey stood in the hall staring down the long corridor full of students and lockers. First days were never easy but when you’re not “normal” they’re even worse. She drew a deep breath and suddenly wished she hadn’t. The jock who had brushed past her smelled divine and it took all she had not to turn around and sink her fangs into him. “Yeah, Mom, brilliant idea. Go to school like a human girl.” she rolled her eyes as she shuffled forward. She could hear her uncle in her head scolding her because vampires don’t shuffle. Sure they do, though. They just do so gracefully. She found her locker and quickly worked the combination on the index card in her pocket. It swung open and she shoved in her bag withdrawing only the books she’d need for her first class. Turning around she was slammed back by a catfight breaking out she hadn’t been listening for. This wasn’t going to be good. The smell of blood, however faint filled her nostrils. Why must girls use their nails?

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