
Yoda Uses the Force

After Yoda, Saphira. Eragon, and the droids were a safe distance from the ra’zac, Yoda realized how pathetically helpless Eragon had been when he was captured, and he decided to teach him how to use the Force.
“Yoda,” Eragon replied after Yoda told him what he wanted to teach him, “What makes you think I want to learn the Force in the first place?”
“Want the Force you do not. Need the Force you do.”
“Listen, little green man, isn’t there someone more powerful than a midget like you who can teach me how to use the Force?”
“More powerful?” Yoda croaked, offended. “More powerful there is not. Only Yoda there is,” as Yoda said that, he demonstrated the power of the Force by lifting up some poor guy’s house 50 feet off the ground.
“Hey!” the inhabitants of the house shouted, “Put this house down!”
“Sorry!” Eragon called, before he turned to yell at Yoda. “I don’t know about manners on Coruscant, Yoda, but where I live, it’s not polite to lift people’s houses off the ground!”

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