
Heart Burns

The flames her licked her skin, scorching and leaving twisted marks as she writhed in pain. She was unable to escape from the flame. It consumed her, her body a means of torture instead of a safe haven for her soul.

A scream escaped her lips. The pain she was enduring was unendurable; was it possible to hurt this much without dying? Yes, of course it was. Otherwise she wouldn’t be thinking this; yet how could she be thinking at all? All she could concentrate on was the agony of this imprisonment of her mind; sure, her body could escape this physical torment eventually, but her thoughts, those could not leave. They would never…it couldn’t…she’d never be able to hold him again, in his warmth and flesh and life…

She screamed again, tears streaked down her face, burning her w/o fire as they stung her cheeks. Her love was gone…gone…

Was it worth it to live w/o him? Her other half, no, whole, gone forever?

She sunk into the flames, letting them consume her alive, or what was left of her…

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