
{Writing Prompt} Great Opening

This material came from a Grub Street Workshop given by Randy Susan Meyers. It is not my material.

A great opening should be compulsively readable, filled with specific, tasty detail, characters who grab us, posing questions which make us need to hear the answers.

Make your readers ask you: And then what happened?

Write a scene with the above in mind, choosing from the following plots.

1. Twin brothers (age 13) discover a dead body in their estranged father’s basement.

2. A woman who is trying to escape an abusive marriage faces her drunken husband as he arrives home.

3. An always-responsible father and husband falls in love with his co-worker.

Again, this is not a challenge, since I can’t be relied on to provide a judgement or anything. I can only check in periodically.

I miss you all. Well, most of you.

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