Forbidden Love; [Write Prompt]
It wasn’t so much the look that got to him. It wasn’t the clothes, or color of eyes, or even shape of the mouth. Alex Harnfeld, quite frankly, didn’t quite know what to think.
He was a happy man; most of the time.
He had a beautiful wife and 3 children. He worked 9 to 5 as a Marketting & Sales consultant and made a decent wage. Life, up until now, was never complicated.
Alex strode into work daily, with his eyes darting this way to that, always falling on the cubicle near-left-of-center on the floor. HE would make his way past it, always smiling, always longing.
And the touch. It was forbidden. With words too heavy and dripping with daring to be mistaken for anything but romantic. Alex realized soon enough that his heart now bled love for another.
The guilt was crushing; but he could not deny the love he felt.
“Coffee?” he asked nervously.
“Good morning, Alex, why, yes that’d be great,”
As they entered the corridor Daniel bent to kiss him.
He feared to reciprocate. Trembling,he then leaned forward…