

“I missed you too.” i admitted. I never realized it until just today.
“Really?” He smiled, and I couldnt stop the heat that flooded my cheeks. “Yeah. As a matter of fact, just this morning I was thinking about me and you, and well, here.”
“You are a very hard person to reach, you know that?” It wasn’t a question.
“I had to go to the extent of pulling out a phone book.”
I forgot about his smile. It looked better now that he had front teeth. “I painted it.” I said abruptly.
“Painted what?” He looked a bit confused.
“Us, here. Well, there.” I looked over out the window over my shoulder.
“It probobally doesnt look right, I did it from memory.”
“Can I see it?”
“I dont have it with me.” I admitted, feling bad that I didnt.
“Awhh, thats a downer. It would have just been perfect if you pulled out this amazing painting and shocked me with your amazing talent.” he said mock dissapointed.
“Darn, If only. I totally ruined the situation that could have possibly happened.”

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