
Catching Up

I spread the white nakin over my lap. I watched him as I took a sip of lemonade.
“So what’s been going on?” Tyler asked.
“Oh, nothing much. I’ll be graduating this year, then going to college in New York near a painting gallery.” I spoke looking deep into his eyes.
“And you?”
“Pretty much the same. I’ll be in Minnesota” He replied.
“So you still paint huh?” He advised. I nodded.
“I majored in art this year. ” Tyler smiled.
“Here’s your chicken” The waitress set down my meal in front of me. Then she turned to Tyler and placed down his. I looked away from the waitress.
“So why did you want to meet me here tonight?” I spoke softly.
“I guess because I missed you.” He sighed. I took a bite, chewed then swallowed.
“I remeber we used to come he all the time.” I exclaimed as he took a sip of coke.
“uh-hu, I loved it here,” My eyes strayed to the window beside us. Billions of bright orange poppies bloomed in the field. I looked away to glance at Tyler. I wondered if he had a girlfriends.

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