
Pie Sounds Really Good...

Vicki sat where she was, a solitary tear streaking down her cheek.

“Oh my god, get out of the car, now,” I demanded. She gave me a pleading look and got out. I followed and got into the driver’s side, Vicki got into the passenger seat and I rummaged in my bag, pulling out a cd case.

“I know you kidnapped me and all to try and rescue me from myself, but I think that you’re the one that needs to be kidnapped right now. You’ve been hiding your feelings about Eric for way too long. This is like the cherry filling inside the pie,” I said.

“Don’t you mean the icing on the cake?” Vicki sniffled.

“Yeah, but I like pie better,” I said sticking Tom Wait’s Rain Dogs into the cd player and switching onto track four, “We should get some, now that I mention it. Pie sounds really good, doesn’t it? Geez, I sound like a pregnant woman sometimes.”

Vicki laughed a little, hiding her face behind a solid sheet of her perfect long, blonde hair. I turned up the music, rolled down the windows and drove.

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