Flying Dogs and Trolls in Space (A Super Silly-TotallyWhatever-I Hardly Even Know What She's Talking About CHALLENGE!!!)
“Have you ever wondered what space looks like?” I asked my little brother one day when I was pretty bored and out-of-my-mind-hyper.
“Yeah, we should go to the moon!” he said, happily.
“We can’t go to the moon, but I know someone who can,”. I got up from my seat and ran upstairs to go see where my dog Gracie was. I had an idea…
“Dylan come here!” I yelled to my younger brother who came running up the stairs.
“I have an idea! We can build a rocket ship, send Gracie our talking dog up to the moon and she’ll take our video camera and make a movie of it!” My brother though i was a moron and walked away. So I did it all on my own. And it turned out there was flying trolls up on space. They were nice but had pretty big butts. Gracie found it disturbing. There were also little alien people who had green skin and lived on tiny stars. One small alien named Mohoobalashamalamadingdong turned Saturn’s rings into a skating rink where the kiddie aliens held birthday parties. It sounded pretty interesting!