
A Nod

I shake my head so my bangs would go in my face.

“Don’t do that. I want to see your beautiful eyes.” He reaches and pulls my bangs behind my ears. My heart races as his hand sweeps my forehead. My face starts to burn, but he seems to not notice. I bite into my apple hard. Finally, he talks again.

“So, I am just going to say it. Will you go out with me?”

My face starts to burn and his face blushes a bit too. How could I say no. I mean, shake my head. I have never been on a real date before. So I do a glint of a smile and nod.

“Really! I mean that is cool.” Wait, was he just get really excited? That is odd. He grins wide, “Ok I will pick you up Friday at seven.”

I finish up my apple and toss it into the trash.

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