Prom Night
it was one long night
i walked out of prom
the last event of my life
me and my bf walked to his car
where he gave me a kiss
and told me he loved me
which i knew was a lie
no one loves me
as we drove home
we talked about are lives
and how much this year
had changed both of us
and when he pulled into my driveway
i kissed him and said good-bye and good-night
he said not good-bye see you later
and i said yea see you later
as a tear ran from my eye
because i knew this was the last time
i would see his pretty face
i walked into my empty house
where the pills and the vodka awaited me
i walked over took the pills
and drank the vodka
knowing that no one would stop me this time
as my world started to fade to black
i could hear his voice saying its going to be okay
i’m going to save you and help you
because i’m not ready to loose you