
The Doctor (Introduction)

Dr. Telesfore was working vigorously at his desk on a lengthy crossword puzzle in the daily newspaper. His room was dimly lit, and a relaxing shade of blue covered the walls. He didn’t prefer too much light in his room, as each window wore half-closed blinds. He didn’t like to think of this place as his ‘office’, or his ‘work space’, for he usually resided here more often than his own house. He called it his room, and even insisted the plaque outside his door be labeled ‘Dr. Telesfore’s Room’ rather than ‘Doctor Telesfore’s Office’.
A wife? Ha! The doctor had been single for almost eight years now, since his previous marriage ended in divorce. She couldn’t stand him not being home nearly 3 days a week, not even to sleep, even though his room was only a twenty minute drive from the house.

a ten letter word meaning prolonged sadness, hmm…

Just as he was about to fill in the blank spaces of the crossword, a knock disturbed the peaceful silence.

“Come in.” he grumbled.

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