
Amethyst Frontier: The Hard Choices

“I could use some suggestions here,” Locke said looking around the room.
“Runner 1,” Karapanov said.
Locke considered this for a second, “Yes, we could overload the ion-drive,”
“It won’t be enough,” Goshen said.
“What if you dropped the shields and sent a feedback charge directly into the engine-core just as Runner 1 exploded?” the russian suggested.
Locke looked at the XO expectantly,
“That could give you the fireworks that you want.” Goshen agreed.
Locke looked to Vargus, “Start venting,”
Vargus nodded.
“Vitali, go to Runner 1. Move her into..”
“Cargo bay 1 is empty,” Goshen offered.
“I’m on it,” the russian left at a sprint.
“You need to have your people to the escape pods – they are being fitted with Cryo-units for stasis. The grenna will oversee to the launch”
Goshen hesitated, “Captain, what about getting more Oxy”
“If we live through this, Brian, we’ll worry about that then,” Vargus said, his voice unusually soft.
“Some will not leave,” the XO stated.
“Shoot them. Only take those who wish to live!”

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