Amethyst Frontier: Suicide Mission
The Karama was being sheered apart as the Phase Anomaly began pulling the ship into itself. Systems throughout the vessel exploded, smoke was dense and blinding, fires engulfed key consoles.
“We have to get out of here!” Morris shouted.
“We are fully vented!” Vargus announced.
“You must get to my ship,” Bael said, Tarn in tow, “We must get you into stasis,”
“Right! Go,” Locke pushed Morris towards the door, “you too, Vargus,”
“I can’t! someone has to regulate the power-flow to the core. I’ll have 5 minutes to get to my pod,”
“You won’t freeze in time, captain!” Jim Morris said.
Vargus smiled, “Get to your ship, doctor!”
With a grim look, Jim allowed himself to be pulled away by the grey creatures to their shuttle.
Karapanov tugged at Locke’s bare shoulder, “Let’s go captain.”
“It’s suicide, Vargus and you fucking know it!” Locke shouted.
“Someone has to regulate the power, and it’s going to be the captain! I’ll take my chances in the pod. Maybe half froze is just as good as frozen! Who knows.. NOW GO !”