Amethyst Frontiers: Aftermath
There was virtual silence on the bridge of the Alliance Cruiser, Amethyst. Only the sounds of boots scraping on littered deck plating and groans of discomfort could be heard.
Frosty saw to Lucy who rubbed a good sized goose-egg on her forehead. She’d be fine, he thought.
Opening a channel to engineering, he asked, “You alive down there?”
There was an arc of electricity zapping through the console that sent Frosty back.
“We’re here!” Damien Kosta reported, “Shield circuits are fried. Hyper-drive is fried. Everything is goddamned well fried, Commander!”
Frosbeld smiled, “Keeps the heart tickin, Lieutenant. Can you give me sensor, radar, anything?”
There came sarcasm from engineering, “Well look at that, Commander, the one thing you didn’t destroy was sensor control,”
“Excellent, I’ll try harder next time. Get some engines back online!”
“Aye, sir!”
Brill gave him a once over, “Are you ok?”
“I’ll be fine.”
“Sir, on viewer,”
Out of nowhere were a shuttle and 50 escape pods.
“This is the Grenna…” came a voice.