
Break Up (Series with N555Champ)

“Woah woah wait you guys broke up?” My best friend Kelli Nelson asked me star struck.
I leaned my head against my locker,”Yes Kelli we broke up last night at 11:11, through text.”
She shook her head of brown hair,”Im confused.”
“We.Broke.Up.Last.Night.At.11:11.Through.Text.” I said slowly pausing inbetween words.
“Whaa?! Why?” she asked feeling uninformed. He and I were that couple. And us breaking up?, seemed literally impossible.
“I dont know Kelli.” I said annyoned.
She rolled her eyes,”Come on Jete.”
I kicked the locker behind me,”I dont want to talk about it ok?”
Before she could respond I started my way down the hall.
Today would be a long day.

Too bad he is in my first, third, and fourth period classes.
Can you say intresting??

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