
ash's blog 4 cont.

dick. i lean over to my friend and tell her wat happened, and shes all “ill switch spots with u if u want” but im like, na, ill survive. so i ask jeff if he could scoot over a little bit and hes like y dont u just move, ur taking up a lot of room. yup, hes an fag.

then its time to do a cheer, cause the score is 47-nothing or something and we’re whooping the other teams ass. the cheer goes slide to the left, slide to the right, stand up, sit down, fight, fight, fight! the cheer repeats 3 times. so wen it starts, jeff slides to the left (into me) really hard. like, so hard, i almost fell backwards. so then we slide to the right, and i really want to slide hard into him, but i refrain cause i hope he’ll stop running into me so hard and i dont want to make him mad.

we stand up, sit down, and fight fight fight! and the cheer starts over. and u no wat he does?

he slides into me. again. even harder.

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