wainting on something that wont happen
i cant say that i miss you, because if i did it would be admitting that i cant move on
i cant say that seieng you with someone else is worse than i could ever have imagined
i cant say all those things i used to say, no matter how much i want to, or how desperate i am to hear your voice again
what i can say, is that im miserable, and have been since you left
i dont know if that means anything to you, makes a difference in the least, but what i do know is that no one fills the hole you left behind, and that i cant sleep unless im on the couch we sat together and talked on, and that i have to close my eyes when i walk past the spot on the road where i said i loved you
ill leave it to you to let me know if u want to talk, i jsut know that ive lost my best friend, and its killing me
i know you can take care of yourself, and i probably tried too hard to do it for you
i regret pushing you away more than you will ever know