
Blue eyed Liza and her dream - (400 Ficlets Challenge)

Since she met the new boy, Liza kept having this dream. In this dream Liza, the perfect lady, who staunchly refused everyone approaching her, was with him.

“Hi, my name is Liza. Do you want to come at my place? I can help you with homework, and maybe…”, tried always to tell. But in her dream he laughed, since there Liza hadn’t any voice to speak with. Her mouth just flapped with the exaggerate movements of a beached fish, her lovely eyes filling with tears, until she awoke.

She confessed her dream to Carol. “Why are you so afraid Liza? You’re always so afraid… and you’re such a pretty girl!”
“But I…”
“No . Look, he’s here! Go and catch him!”

Carol pushed Liza on Carlos’ way…

“Hi, my name is Liza. Do you want to come at my place? I can help you with homework, and maybe…”

Carlos just smiled, seeing how deft Liza’s hand moved, forming and shaping silent, embarassed, words.

“Well… I thought Sign Language 101 was easier. So, thanks. By the way, has everyone told you how pretty you are?”

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