Room 407.
My head mind was a frenzy of questions. I’de never understood why people hurt themselves, it made no sence to me. Jessie’s perfect arm was the last one I’de like to see in such a poor state. I thought of where we’de left off, damn things had been bad between us. i wondered if his knew girl knew about his fascination with the razor blade. When the bell rand I flew to his side.
“Jessie, if you ever need me.. ever, I’ll be here.” I promised.
His face warmed up a bit. “thanks Morgan, that really means a lot.” His tone was still flat.
I pulled out my class schedule, room 407, when he stayed walking with me, I figured he must be in the same class. We picked two seats in the back of the room, where no one else could hear us. “Are you gonna be okay?” I asked calmly.
“I dont know.” He replied.
“Why?” I asked, getting more and more concerned by his unwillingness to volunteer information.
“I’m working on it.” He replied curtly.
This conversation was over.