
Jonas Brothers: Part Two

“Mom,” I said, my nose tingling. “I think somethings burning,”. I glanced to my left and I knew we were seriously in trouble.
“MOM THE TOASTER ’S ON FIRE !” I screamed, getting up from my chair.
“Oh Dear Lord,” said my mother, getting up. “What do I do now?”
“PUT THE FIRE OUT ,”. She grabbed a dish towel and started to whack the toaster. Oh, she was being terribly smart.
“Mom, no!” The rag lit fire and my mother dropped it to the ground, and lucky for us, the floor just happened to be wood.
“Oh no,” said my mother. Shaking her head as I started to cough. The floor was lit on fire, so there was only one thing left to do….

We stood outside in the pouring rain as the fire fighters finished up in our entirely burnt kitchen. Well, the damage was done and there was lots of it. There went my birthday money.
“Here,” said my mother, handing me something which seemed to be a soggy envelope.
“What is it?”
“Just open it”. I tared open the saturated envelope to concert tickets….

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