
The Day in the Life of Me: Steel Blue Eyes

I was running and pushing my way through all of the people. I tears were forming in my eyes. Then boom! I was on the ground. I started to gather my stuff when I saw a guy’s hands picking up my stuff already for me.

“Thanks. I… I am sorry for…â€? I got angry at the fact that I was still stumbling my words. I whiped my eyes to hide the fact that I was crying.
“No, it’s ok my bad.” he told me. He had a sweet voice, so smooth. I turned my head up to see steel blue eyes. Those eyes were looking at me. I saw a big smile on his face.
We both stood up in unison. He flipped back his dark brown hair and gave me my books.

“Thanks… uh?” I say smiling.
“James,” he said grinning again. “And your name is?”
“Lily,” I told him.
“Are you going to the math and science hallway?” He asked me.
“Can you take me there? I am kind new here.”

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