
Holy Bajezzus!

“Kirsten?” I heard a calm voice call.
I rubbed my blurry eyes, still thick with sleep.
I looked over, there was no on there.
“Must have been a dream.” I whispered.
“Nope.” The same voice called, but I couldn’t find it.
I got up, and looked around.
“Where are you?” I demanded.
A hand grabbed my ankle, and I jumped up three feet in the air.
“BAHH!” i shrieked, until I saw a head poke out from under my bed.
dear god, why was Ben under my bed?
“Good morning.” He said laughing at my horrified expression.
“Why are you under my bed?” I gasped.
“Dunno, thought it’de be fun.” He said overly amused.
“You’re a very heavy sleeper.” He pointed to the remnants of my lamp he must have knocked over.
“How long have you been here?” I shrieked.
“20, 30 minuted tops.” He said, quite satisfied by my gaping socket of a mouth.
“Not that I’m unhappy to see you, but theres something called a doorbell. Breaking an entry is illegal you know!” I said slightly irritated.
“I was being spontaneous.”
he grinned.

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