

This is my one hundredth ficlet.

I have 99 more interesting ficlets that you should go read right now. That is, if you want to.

Actually, this is kind of a meta-ficlet isn’t it? I mean, I think I’ve done one before, but this one will contain only things from real life.

Does that make it a truthlet? Or a non-ficlet? Hmm.

But really. This is just a cop out. I promise that I’m not actually this bad of a writer, I’m just having a little block, and since I was right at the precipice of one hundred I thought I would give myself a little shove out the door.

What else is going on? I’m listening to some random medieval music. Not really medieval music, since that would be almost impossible as they didn’t have recording devices back then. Although I saw an article once about how potters sometimes inadvertently recorded sounds into the clay as it spun, the vibrations locked into the pots like Edison’s wax cylinder, or a 3D record album.

Now that would be neat to hear.

Okay, I am totally done with this now.

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