Ficletcentenial +1
I had decided to celebrate Ficlet #100 by writing a metaficlet.
Years after Ficlet #200 however, I got a visitor.
Apparently I’d hit a nerve with the real time travel community. Ficlet #200 doesn’t follow the “Time Travel Story Acceptable Inconsistencies Ruleset”. I wrote something that actually works.
And according to their future, I’m a century too early.
The Enforcer said it’d be over quickly. Damn straight: a quick uppercut to his jaw and I was off to the lab. Thank God I’d built the machine.
I may be 72, but I’m no fogey.
Now for the cosmic two-step: a mad dash for the nearest black hole, hoping he catches in the event horizon.
This is a message to my past self, avoiding a space-time rip from meeting face to face. It won’t stop you from writing #200, I know, I didn’t believe this sequel when I first read it either.
Thank Jon for letting me use his account. With no internet for decades, I forgot my password.
Sorry I can’t say more…
I’ve got a singularity to catch.