
Leah SIlverCroft's Legacy (Prt. 9)

Leah nodded and instantly took off running away from where they had been last night, she did not check to see if Emily was able to keep up. There was no doubt in Leah’s mind that the other wolf could easily keep pace, and completly blow past her if she wanted, so there was no need to slow down to check.

Leah could not help but to be suprised by how great it felt to run like this in her wolf form. The wind was blowing through her fur and all around her, and even with how fast she was moving, faster then any normal wolf, she could still pick out every little detail around her and Emily.

Leah loved this, never wanted to stop, she could jsut run and run at her top speed like this forever if she were able to, but no she had business to attend to. She needed to, with Emily, get to a place with people and try to begin a resistance militia formed back up again to fight Empress Nezumi, and win. Making the militia was easy, winning was the hard part.

She slowed when she got to a riverbed and sat next to Emily.

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