Leah SIlverCroft's Legacy (Prt. 10)
“Leah, I need to ask you something before we go any further with this.”
“What is it Emily?”
“Do you honestly think that we are going to be able to defeat Nezumi and the Army of Shadows? Or are we ust doing this becasue it is our destiny?”
“Honestly, I do think that we can, not just because it is our destiny, but because we are strong enough, especially once we are able to field a militia to stand at our side.” The timber wolf laid down next to Emily and pawed her softly, “Besides, even if we can’t, we have to try.”
The white wolf smiled, at least as much as a wolf can, and nodded, “Yeah, that is true.” She pawed Leah back, just as softly and lay down next to her. “So, how long?”
“How long what?” The timber wolf, Leah, looked over at the other girl in wolf form.
“How long until the war.”
“Emily, I am a wolf and a warrior, not a physic. I can’t predict the future, just relax we are going to be here for awhile. This is far enough that they can’t track us here. Since we are safe we can rest.”