
Sudden Confesion (Ficlet and Challenge) Prt. 2

“Well, you do know me and you’re right, but don’t you have someone Claire?”

“We broke up, because of how much I care for you, more then I ever could for him.”

“But why? What is so special about me then?”

“Does it really matter? All that matters is that I like you a lot more then I had ever liked him and more then I ever will like anyone else other then you Shadow.”

“No, I guess that it doesn’t, but humor me, just because I’m curious and want to know why I have to hurt that kid for hurting you Claire..”

“Well, he treated me like shit, always made fun of me, constantly put me down, every single time that we talked he always had to put me down about something, whether it is my smile, my eyes, my weight, anything. You treat me better then her ever did Shadow.”

** ** ** **

Go to the next sequel to see what the challenge is, have fun and good luck!


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