
The Following Ficlet Takes Place Between 12:00 AM and 1:00 AM

12:03:08 AM

Marcos was fuming. He had never been undressed like that in his life. Even worse, the Mastermind was proving to be omniscient. How did the Mastermind know exactly where he was and what he was doing?

“I don’t pay you to think. Turn around and get back to the warehouse, now,” Marcos mimicked through gritted teeth.

He was almost back to the warehouse when he realized he was being followed. Reeves must have gotten the drop on him.

Marcos slammed his palms against the steering wheel and hit the gas, turning left at a red light. If he hadn’t been so spooked by the Mastermind, he would’ve noticed sooner. Now it was almost too late. He had almost led someone to the hideout.

“Interesting,” Marcos mumbled. “Two tails?”

A silver BMW . Reeves. But who was in the Dodge Caravan?

Marcos snaked through traffic making frequent turns. He knew exactly where he would lead them. That was until his phone buzzed.

“Lose the tails or die,” The Mastermind said.


“Who is this guy!?” Marcos exclaimed.

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