Sangsue- part 42
After what felt forever Parker had slowed down and pulled me off his back. I stretched myself out after being in the same position for a bit. Then I finally asked, “We there yet?”
Parker laughed quietly at me, “Impatient much? Yeah, we’re almost there. Just walking the rest of the way.” So we began walking alongside the road that was built here. After a few moments of silence I asked, “So what’s the point behind showing me whatever it is?”
“I want to prove something to you.”
“And that is?”
Parker smiled, “You have to wait.” I pouted, not liking this surprised much. I was truly curious to see whatever this was and his vagueness only made it worse. I groaned unhappily.
Then I heard a faint sound. It was like rumbling, only terribly familiar. It was the sound of multiple cars driving around. “Are we near any city?”
Parker’s mouth twitched, “you could say that.” And we kept walking to this “city”, listening to the cars getting louder and louder.