The Extraordinary H.A.K. Wilson-Jones
When he was born on Old Earth, his mother had named him Herman Alexander Keltner Wilson-Jones (his mother, the last daughter of one of Old Earth’s older noble families, had gone in for such things), but that was not the only name or last name he had been given: the electronic warriors of Krandalhar 709/alph had called him The Eternal Warrior Of Logical Flesh, the furry orange pencha-monkies of Silvian Four had dubbed him The Tall Hairless Monkey Who Speaks The Truth Of The Wise Gods and the silvery energy beings of Darat’mahan referred to Herman Alexander as The Material One Who Understands The Twelve Dimensions Of Space And Time; these were but a few of the names Herman Philip Alexander Keltner Wilson-Jones had earned on his extraordinary journeys using the amazing wormhole engine he stole from Doctor Hawkins at the University of Shreveport in the country of Louisiana, in what had once been the United States Of America before the Great War had redrawn the maps of Old Earth before he had even been born.