
Residing Dreams (Chapter 80)

I found comfort in the fact that no matter what, I would always be his favorite person. But I still couldn’t help but wonder about this Arthur Chrysanthemum character. So I decided to break the silence once again. “I have a question. Is this guy like, the duke of England or something like that? And what am I? Some charity case? I thought these kinds of things only happened to kids who lived in the inner city or poor places and third world countries. You know, stuff like that? Why is he spending some special letter of acceptance to me? Does he really think my life isn’t good enough? And what’s so remarkable about me anyways? It’s not like I found a cure for cancer or competed in the Olympics or anything like that. Does he really think I’m so desperate and my life is so miserable that I need to leave? I don’t know what you said to him, and in the here and now, I don’t even really want to know. But tell me, what the big idea?” I inquired frankly. I just wanted something to make sense.

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