
Evidence? Easy Enough

“You have to believe me, Mr. Cook, I had to pick her up from a party this weekend and take her to the emergency room. It was definitely him,” here Alex muttered and Mr. Cook leaned back in his chair thoughtfully.

“Let’s call Chloe up here,” Mr. Cook decided.

“I don’t think she’s here yet.”

“Mmmh. Bring Jay back in then.”

Alex rose from the uncomfortable chair and opened the principal’s door.

“Gone,” Alex announced with a smirk.

The lean man behind the desk rushed past Alex into the hall.

“Where would he go!?” Mr. Cook shouted.


At that moment someone spoke, growled, somewhere close by. There was no one in sight and the sound was muffled.
Alex and Mr. Cook looked at eachother and carefully padded down the hallway to where the noise was coming from. Alex threw open a janitor’s closet without hesitation.

There was Chloe with tears streaming down her face, unharmed but pinned to the wall by Jay who had been cursing and blackmailing her.

“Is that enough evidence for you?”

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