
Questions Never Answered

Mr. Cook didn’t reply to Alex, just grabbed Jay’s arm and pulled him out of the closest. Moments later, the school’s security guard showed up, holding onto Jay. Jay’s glare was directed at Chloe this time.

“Chloe, what happened over the last few days?” Mr. Cook boldly asked but she didn’t answer him.

Alex stepped into the closest, approaching Chloe as she shook violently. “Its okay, Chloe. I’m here for you.â€? He assured and she pulled him close to her as her body shook. “Give me a minute.â€?

Chloe ducked her head into his chest and whispered fiercely, “How could you tell the principal what I told you?!â€?

Alex whispered down at her, “I’m sorry. But you don’t have to talk now if you don’t want to.â€?

Chloe wiped her eyes as the shaking slowed and said, “I won’t talk about and neither will you. Never again.â€?

Together they walked out of the closest. “She needs time.â€? Alex called over his shoulder as Jay was given his suspension. Jay stared after the two, revenge working through his mind.

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