
If I Was A Super Powered Monkey,Tales Of Fisco Copperbottom

If I was a super powered monkey:
I’d probly kill alot of people.Why you might ask?Cause for years my people,or monkeys there all the same,have been shot,choked,decapitated,beaten,abused,raped(even though thats the sickest thing I’ve ever heard),and used as clowns.And I’m sick of it.What kinda sick freak comes up with the conclustion that you get AIDS from a monkey?

On top of that,people flash bright as lights in my face,at the zoo, and their kids through peanuts at me like I’m a elephant,some monkeys like nuts I personaly do not,even though theres a “DON’T FEED THE ANIMAL SIGN ” in perfect view.Then they get pissed when we through poo at them.Well what do you expect.I’d through poo at you too if I wasn’t on my 2nd strike.You people are nuts if you think I’m gonna take a few nuts to the face and pickthem up,off of the dirty ground might I add,eat it and be totally cool.Have you ever had a nut thrown at you?A freakin walnut too.Where the hell do you get a damn walnut from.Who throws nuts at monkeys anyway.

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