
What you mean to me.

“Dammit Sean. Tell me whats wrong!” Hilary couldn’t take it. Her anger, taking me by surprise, causes my head to snap to her. My mother is in tears again and I hadn’t even noticed her.

I glare at Hilary,”Why should I tell you?”

“Because I care!”

“Not enough to leave me alone.”

“Dammit Sean. I may not love you, but I sure as hell care about you. Just stop it, and talk to me!”

“I can’t talk to you about it. I can’t talk to you about anything. You don’t care. You shouldn’t care. I don’t care!” I scream my reply, and an unquestionable fury arced across her face.

“Don’t tell me I don’t fucking care. I broke into your window to get into your house. I fucking ran around till I found the bathroom door. I fucking Kicked the Door off of it’s hinges to get to you. I used my shirt as something to hold your arm closed with. I was covered in your FUCKING BLOOD ! I waited with you, horrified you would die in my arms. THINKING YOU MIGHT DIE BECAUSE OF ME . Don’t you DARE tell me I don’t care about you. Don’t you DARE .”

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