I’m such an asshole. I’m such a loser. I break down into tears again, and Hilary’s expression quickly changes to sympathy. “I’m sorry” I say between gasps of breath. Hilary rushes up to hold me, patting and caressing my head.
“It’s okay. Just relax.”
“No I’m sorry. I don’t deserve friends like you. All I do is fight and bother.”
“Its okay Sean, it really is. Just relax, take a deep breath.” I nod to her and try deep breathing. Hilary looks to my mother and motions for her to leave. She silently obeys.
Once through the door Hilary looks at me again, compassion in her eyes. “Sean. Please tell me what is wrong.”
About five months ago, this girl and I got close. About five months ago, we started dating. About five months ago, I was the happiest person I’ve ever been. (ever been=since the 5th grade, but I’ll get into that some other time). I thought I loved her. She was my second best friend at the time, and we were getting better and better aquainted as time went by. We had fun, but fun times will end.