Eyeblight and You
Is there any way to cure Eyeblight?
At the moment, no. Eyeblight has no physical component, and psychological methods fail due to loss of any higher mental functions. Drug treatment is only effective during the early stages (see RST ). Sadly, the only cure is prevention.
Is there a vaccine?
Again, no. The only way not to be infected by Eyeblight is to avoid the vector of transmission: line of sight contact.
What is RST ?
Because the meion takes an average of fifty-six seconds to take effect, interruption of the infection during this “golden minute” can prevent the meion’s complete transfer. RST , or Rapid Shock Treatment, works by administering a large amount of sedatives to temporarily shut down the higher mental processes, “rebooting” the mind and prevent the agent from taking hold.
What is the counting method?
The first parts of the brain Eyeblight shuts down are the language and math centers. At-risk individuals often perform simple math out loud