

So Tuesday came to pass, nothing really bad happened other than my build up of sorrow and defeat.

It was Wednesday that things really started to go down hill.

I went to school and came back, easy as ever. I did my homework, and went online like I usually do.

There on Facebook was my friend Ashley. Her status message said “What part of “this conversation never happened didn’t you understand.”. She knew I told.

I sent her a message “How are you?”

She replied, “How do you think?”.

We talked for hours like that, she yelled at me, I apologized, she made me feel bad, I apologized. It was my fault, I shouldn’t have done so. I had promised not to tell, and I broke that promise. I was sorry for the problems I caused now between her and her friends. I was sorry for the problems I caused her and her friends. I was sorry for everything wrong I’ve ever done to that group of friends.

She told me I should be.

I told her I was more of a nuisance than anything to that group of friends.

She told me that I was.

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