Home >> Eyeblight >> Rumors >> Protective Lenses
Claim: Wearing polarized sunglasses will keep you from catching Eyeblight.
Status: False
Example: Collected on the Internet, 2013—-
Do you know why PRU members always wear dark sunglasses when going on a mission? It’s because polarized lenses block out the wavelengths of light that transmit Eyeblight.—-
Origins: The truth is, members of the PRU wear dark sunglasses for the same reason you and I do: to protect their eyes from glare. The originator of this email confuses the pricey image-distorting optics worn by some PRU members in the field (Blur Goggles) with ordinary polarized sunglasses.
This rumor is particularly dangerous because it encourages civilians to practice lax visual security, putting them at risk for infection. DO NOT look directly into the eyes of an infected human, with or without polarized sunglasses.
Babara “Sunglasses at Night” Michelson
The URL for this page is http:\\www.snoops.com\eyeblight\rumors\sunglasses