Fairy Myth (Ariana and Phoenix) Prt. 2
Each day she sang an amazing song and one just as beautiful as it was amazing, waiting for her lover’s return from the war. However, days turned to weeks. Weeks turned to months. Months turned to years. Yet as all this time passed, Phoenix had yet to return. Sadly the fairy girl, now the most beautiful of all the fairy princesses, in her heart, began to lose hope of Phoenix’s return, yet she still went back to that spot everyday to wait for him, and to sing her song of true love for Phoenix.
Until one day, her singing was interrupted by a rustling sound in the nearby bushes. Startled, Ariana jumped to her feet and was about to flee but a familiar voice told her to wait. Recognizing the voice as that of her long lost lover tears of joy began to roll down her cheeks and off her face hitting the forest ground, each making a soft sound. However when she saw the condition Phoenix was in her joy quickly turned to worry and worry turned to panic.