
I am Vaughn (It's going to be okay)

Wow, well that’s interesting, I guess.
I wonder if it’s Cooper’s…
I guess she really does screw around.

I swallowed hard, keeping my voice detached so she wouldn’t hear it shake. “How many days late are you?”
“Five,” she sobbed.
“Have you taken a pregnancy test?”
“Three,” she cried, “All positive. They’re all positive.”
I could do the math myself to know the probability of all three being faulty was ridiculous.
“Okay,” I said, taking my own advice and sucking the air through my teeth. “Does Cooper know?”
“No,” she was only sniffling now, and I could hear her taking her own deep breaths on the other line.
I knew what she wanted. From the past month I’d learned a thing or two about Brit, and I knew that when the world began falling, she needed to be told what to do.
“Get into your car,” I directed her, “Do you know the Park on 56th street and Berkly?”
“Meet me there. And Brit?”
“It’s going to be okay.” I hung up and ran to the car.

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