The Path To the Not-So-Perfect, Fairy-Tale Ending
You made the road to absolutely nowhere seem so darn perfect.
Every step of the way, I felt I was getting closer. Closer to you, and the start of something new. But the path I chose to follow, lead me to no where. But left me with a broken heart. And left me helpless, without the power to let go, or to move on.
It was great. Perfect you could say, or just close enough. It looked like the once in a life time fairy-tale ending. But it all ended up to be like a dream. And when I woke up, I realized it way off from the truth.
You were everything to me. I thought I was everything to you. But we weren’t even on the same page. It was all a lie. You were all a lie. But why? Why would you show me all the signs if you weren’t the one.
The road led to no where. And left me alone in the dark. Not knowing what to do. Still staggering around looking for you. So here I stand, just waiting to see, if there’s some short cut. Some way back to my life before I knew about you. Before my heart was ripped in two.