
The Following Ficlet Takes Place Between 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM

01:27:26 AM

Arnold had never been the happiest child. He was the fat kid, always picked on, always the butt of the jokes. And he never quite felt like he was on the same page as his friends. He wondered if they would’ve even hung out with him if they didn’t love 24 so much and he didn’t look just like a young Edgar Stiles.

Even worse, his parents were quite controlling. Arnold never would’ve become a modern day Judas, if his parents hadn’t tortured him: Help us find your friends or you’re grounded from television for life.

No Survivor. No Lost. No CSI . No Heroes. No 24.

In a moment of weakness, he had betrayed his friends.

Now, he was trapped in Sara’s back yard at the mercy of her dogs. He knew one thing: once her parents realized she was gone, it was only a matter of time before they found him.

“I’ve got to get over this fence and set things right,” Arnold mumbled resolutely. “What would Edgar Stiles do?” he said as he tried to formulate an escape plan.

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