
The Following Ficlet Takes Place Between 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM

01:31:11 AM

Arnold swore that if he got out of this, he would never go anywhere near a Pomeranian again. He searched his pockets for something, anything, he could use as a weapon against the beasts. He came up with half of a Snickers bar.

Would they even eat it?

Arnold threw the candy on the ground at the little dogs’ feet. They paused just long enough to sniff and lick the caramel, but it was enough time for Arnold to get through the gate and out of the yard.

01:53:39 AM

“Tony!â€? Sara called out in the darkness. “Where are you?â€?

“Follow my voice.â€?

Sara Marco Polo’d through the woods until she came upon Randall staring at a large tree.

“We’re lost, aren’t we?â€? Sara stated.

“Moss grows on the north side of trees,â€? Randall said, feeling around the trunk. His fingers brushed something soft and bristly. Was it moss? It was…

“Ew! Bug!â€?

Randall reflexively jerked his hand back, flinging the bug into Sara’s face. Sara shrieked and bolted off, swatting at her face.


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