hey, i always make spelling mistakes so comment and tell ‘bout emplease
lovve it.. i should show one of my friends this.. maybe she’ll learn sumthing
Great job on this. I always love your poems.
=) word cannot describe how flattered i am right now truly!! =)
Again, love it. Especially this one. I think I might need to take ur advice haha =)
Luv it! Awesome, so many people should really take a sip of it! Great job [=
Writer’s Question: Do you write poems to be read in one’s head, or read aloud? I enjoy your word and phrase repetition, but I implore you to not over use it. ;)
Writer’s Question: Do you write poems to be read in one’s head, or read aloud?
I enjoy your word and phrase repetition, but I implore you to not over use it. ;)
Dreamt of Turquoise
Definate Disaster