Coming out, part 1.
Tyler took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. He walked into the living room where his father was reading the paper, his mother knitting on the couch.
“Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you. I… I’m gay.”
His father looked up from his paper and smiled.
“That’s wonderful son. I’m glad you had the courage to tell us.”
His mother set her knitting down and stood up, opening her arms to hug Tyler.
“Oh sweetie, I’m so proud of you. So tell us, do you like any of the boys in your class?”
“Well actually,” Tyler began, “there’s this one guy, George, he… hey wait a second! Why aren’t you guys freaking out?”
“What do you mean Ty?” His dad said, confused.
“I thought you’d be having a fit! I had this entire speech planned, about being true to myself and all that. I spent three days memorizing it!”
“Well I’m sorry son, but your mother and I love you no matter what.”
“Yeah, that’s great I guess,” Tyler said. “Oh well. I’m gonna go shoot hoops.”
“Wait a sec son, you went to all that trouble, go ahead, tell us.”